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Global Matters: investing offshore

The world of offshore investing can seem quite daunting, but doesn’t have to be. To cut through the complexity, we have launched a world class portal to address all your offshore investment concerns, challenges and even share best practice. Explore our Global Matters portal for independent views on offshore investment advice, legislation and top-of-mind matters to structure and get your clients to their investment goals.


Global Citizen

Our Global Citizen masterclass series focusses on the factors to consider when structuring offshore investments for global citizens. Given that more and more clients are becoming global citizens, it is critical to understand the complexities of investing offshore as well as how to structure financial plans to suit each client's unique needs and objectives.

Global Matters Weekly

Our weekly blogs are aimed at providing our rapidly expanding global client base with a good mix of deep investment insights, combined with a topical twist and an improved, easy-to-digest tone.

1 OCTOBER 2024

Honey, I shrunk the listings

Tom Delic

"There appears to be several reasons other than the greater availability of private capital to motivate a business to choose to stay private."


History doesn’t repeat but it often rhymes

Slawomir Soroczynski

"Geopolitical factors will likely take centre stage again, particularly with upcoming US elections and ongoing fiscal challenge."


Defining value

Mark Wright

"Our dream investment is in an “economic compounder” but at a market valuation materially below our estimate of its intrinsic value and true worth."

30 APRIL 2024

It could be gold's time to shine

Jade Coysh

“Despite the recent rally, there could still be upside if history is anything to go by, and with central banks increasing reserves and geopolitical risks on the rise, there is a clear investment case for holding gold”

23 APRIL 2024

Will buybacks continue to bolster equity markets?

Simon Price

"Investers must exercise due diligence and remain attentive to developments in this sphere.”

16 APRIL 2024

It's the little things that count

Stephen Nguyen

"We believe the best way to gain exposure to small caps, and to manage some of these risks, is to invest via third-party, experienced, active managers who can be more selective in constructing portfolios.”

9 APRIL 2024

Weathering storms and building trust

Gabby Byron

"UK investment trusts might be facing some tough challenges, but we remain advocates of their vital roles in multi-asset portfolios.”

26 MARCH 2024

Where has the 'greenium' gone?

Charles Thomson

“Buying a green bond with zero ‘greenium’ could be termed an ‘ESG arbitrage’ with future expected outperformance as the ‘greenium’ returns.”

19 MARCH 2024

Has the US labour market turned a corner?

Richard Stutley

“Different definitions mean individuals fall in and out of certain categories at different times, which serves to reduce the usefulness of any one labour market indicator.”

12 MARCH 2024

The quiet investor

Gary Moglione

"There are invaluable lessons to be learned from Ronald Read's life and investment choices."

5 MARCH 2024

Leaping over leap days

Lorenzo La Posta

"The less you know, the more you think you know."

27 FEBRUARY 2024

(il)Liquidity of property

Jackson Franks

"It is critical that any investor in the real estate sector understands and appreciates the illiquid nature of the underlying asset class."

20 FEBRUARY 2024

MOVErs and shakers

Alex Harvey

"Our time-tested asset allocation process revolves around longer-term relative value opportunities. But when the market MOVEs, you need to MOVE with it."

13 FEBRUARY 2024

China is on the move

Matt Connor

"Chinese EVs can be much cheaper than their Western counterparts giving them a route to increasing market share in Europe and the US "

06 FEBRUARY 2024

The fragility of trust

Richard Parfect

"It is probably fair to say that no fund manager is as good as he/she is held up to be nor as bad as they might be accused of being."

30 JANUARY 2024

The Trump spectre looms large

Grégoire Sharma

“With over nine months to go until the elections, it is still much too early to act on the back of such assessments. However, we ought to guard against complacency and simply relying on historical precedent to position portfolios as we get closer to the elections."

23 JANUARY 2024

Big isn't always beautiful

Mark Wright

"The new financial ‘Whizz Kids’ of Wall Street had allegedly unlocked the secret to ever increasing financial returns from very little capital. The truth is, the sectors represented by the biggest companies has varied greatly over time, from transport to energy and communications."

16 JANUARY 2024

A quandary from McQuarrie

Tom Delic

"While the odds remain in favour of equities outperforming bonds over long time periods, it cannot be assured, and the possibility of being in an unlucky generation of equity investors should not be discounted."

12 DECEMBER 2023

Wall-E Street

Thomas Banks

AI serves as a supporting function, complementing our existing strategic/tactical asset allocation and portfolio construction processes rather than replacing them.


Fleece Navidad

Gabby Byron

Investors and consumers have a significant role to play in bringing sustainable fashion brands to the fore.

27 NOVEMBER 2023

Siren call

Alex Harvey, CFA

If we are close to peak rates, as many economists are suggesting, then history would suggest cash should be usurped from its throne.

20 NOVEMBER 2023

Stocking filler for your portfolio

Matt Connor

There is light at the end of the tunnel, with growing belief that we have seen 'peak rates'.

13 NOVEMBER 2023

Interest rate volatility:
Transitory or here to stay?

Gregoire Sharma

It is of prime importance to carefully watch and assess all of the factors affecting growth, inflation, and fiscal sustainability in coming years.


Use it or lose it

Richard Parfect

Urgent appeal to the referee is clear: give damaging Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive regulations the red card.

30 OCTOBER 2023

Treasury hunt

Glyn Owen

Bond markets need to stabilise before markets can begin to recover, but with yields of around 5% across the maturity curve, there is now good value available.

23 OCTOBER 2023

Base effects

Tom Delic

Base rates are a useful tool for investors when making decisions that involve factors that can disrupt the balancing of risk and reward.

16 OCTOBER 2023

Fly Me to the Moon

Mark Wright, CFA

Having sat on the sidelines for the best part of two years, the growth opportunity for Moonpig is clear.

9 OCTOBER 2023

Responsible investment:
here for good

Jade Coysh

There is evidence that investing responsibly and integrating ESG factors is additive to returns.

2 OCTOBER 2023

Risky business

Stephen Nguyen, CFA

We believe in blending equity style factors to deliver more efficient returns.


A tail of two services

Gabby Byron

Boutique firms specialise in being selective and creative in their investment approach.


The Investment Odyssey

Gary Moglione

In the world of investing, investors face their own version of Sirens in the form of behavioural biases.


Macro matters

Richard Stutley, CFA

We caution against the view that we are likely to see a protracted period of either especially high or especially low inflation over the next five years.


Don’t trust the numbers

Lorenzo La Posta, CFA

The investment world is full of mathematical “lies” and it takes a lot of experience and focus to avoid the traps these present.

21 AUGUST 2023

Build in ESG

Jackson Franks

At Momentum, we are committed to contributing to a more sustainable world, both through direct actions and indirect means.

14 AUGUST 2023

Decision time

Alex Harvey

Companies can shield themselves (and their investors) from the effects of inflation, which remains the key macro investment risk today.

7 AUGUST 2023

Undervalued Forgotten Opportunities:
UFOs in your asset allocation

Matt Connor

Diversification is central to portfolio construction and allows investors to reduce unsystematic risk and capture other sources of return.

31 JULY 2023

Taking the fixed income tack in multi-asset portfolios

Gregoire Sharma, CFA

There is a strong case for fixed income in multi-asset portfolios, locking in high levels of income with potentially significant capital gains.

25 JULY 2023

“I’m from the government and I’m here to help”

Richard Parfect

Retail investors who want access to specialist investment trusts are being forced to conduct their own due diligence.

17 JULY 2023

Music royalties offer 'sound' returns

Ben Drysdale

Investing in music royalties involves gaining exposure to the revenues generated by a song, which come from three main sources.

24 APRIL 2023

Football versus Soccer

Matt Connor

Many UK companies (and in particular mid-caps) are an undervalued opportunity, one we are taking advantage

17 APRIL 2023

In Changing of the Seasons We (Investment) Trust…

Richard Parfect

Selling investment trusts at this time does not feel economically rational.

03 APRIL 2023

Lessons learned from the
bank-run playbook

Gregoire Sharma, CFA

It’s easy to fall into a state of complacency from overly relying on quantitative indicators.

27 MARCH 2023

Managing uncertainty:
a question of weighting?

Andrew Hardy, CFA

Asset managers and financial advisers must focus on helping clients narrow the gap between time-weighted and money-weighted returns.

20 MARCH 2023

Wu Wei

Tom Delic

A correlation seems to exist between the patience of investors and access to information.

13 MARCH 2023

Life in the old dog yet

Mark Wright, CFA

We often find the best opportunities present themselves when others are fearful.

06 MARCH 2023

Bursting bubbles

Gabby Byron

As the saying goes, “You never know when you’re in a bubble until it bursts”.

27 FEBRUARY 2023

Is active management dead?

Gary Moglione

Overall, I believe there is no clear winner between active and passive, and results will vary as the economic environment changes.

20 FEBRUARY 2023

Insights from rates markets

Richard Stutley, CFA

There has been a meaningful shift in investors’ interest rate expectations.

13 FEBRUARY 2023

Love Actually?
Disappointment, actually

Lorenzo La Posta, CFA

A few weeks ago, during the Christmas period, I treated myself to the ideal night in.

06 FEBRUARY 2023

AI: Is your job safe?

Jackson Franks

To see if AI has the ability to take my job, I put this to the test and asked ChatGPT to write my blog.

30 JANUARY 2023

Turning away from the glass-halfempty mentality

Gregoire Sharma

It seems inflation has likely peaked and is expected to fall materially this year.

Thought leadership

We bring you some of our latest thinking on global investments and markets.

MAY 2024

Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update

APRIL 2024

Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update

MARCH 2024

Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update


Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update


Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update


Global Matters Quarterly
Market Update

Market Update


Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update


Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update


Global Matters Quarterly
Market Update

Market Update


Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update

July 2023

Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update

June 2023

Global Matters Quarterly
Market Update

Market Update

MAY 2023

Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update

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Market Update

MARCH 2023

Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update


Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update


Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update


Global Matters Quarterly
Market Update

Market Update

November 2022

Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update


Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update


Global Matters Quarterly
Market Update

Market Update


Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update

JULY 2022

Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update

JUNE 2022

Global Matters Quarterly
Market Update

Market Update

MAY 2022

Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update

APRIL 2022

Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update

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Market Update


Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update


Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update


Market update

Market update:
2021 review & 2022 outlook

December 2021

Global Matters Weekly

Annual compendium 2021


Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update


Global Matters Monthly
Market Update

Market Update

JUNE 2021

Global Matters Quarterly
Market Update

Market Update

MAY 2021

Commentary on the market
environment and asset
allocation views

Monthly Viewpoint

APRIL 2021

Commentary on the market
environment and asset
allocation views

Monthly Viewpoint

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Monthly Viewpoint


Commentary on the market
environment and asset
allocation views

Monthly Viewpoint


Market update: 2020 review and 2021 outlook

What can we expect from
the markets in 2021.


Commentary on the market
environment and asset
allocation views

Monthly Viewpoint


Commentary on the market
environment and asset
allocation views

Monthly Viewpoint


Commentary on the market
environment and asset
allocation views

Monthly Viewpoint


Commentary on the market
environment and asset
allocation views

Monthly Viewpoint

MARCH 2020

The global cognitive
distortion of panic
and COVID- 19

Paul Nixon

Where did all the toilet
paper (TP) go?

MARCH 2020

Advice migra(ne)tion:
A Perspective

Louise Usher

Popular press has not been
shy in advocating investing

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Greg B Davies, PhD

The right and wrong ways
to deal with our preference
for the known.

The offshore investing guide

Empowering financial advisers to have in-depth offshore investment conversations with their South African clients.

Why Momentum Investments?

Momentum Global Investment Management

In this introductory video about Momentum Global Investment Management, we will share with you who we are, how we invest, what makes our investment philosophy unique and why we believe you should invest with us.

Stronger platform for growth

Momentum Global Investment Management (MGIM), our international investment management division, has acquired Seneca Investment Managers. The combined business offers a comprehensive suite of strategies for financial advisers, including a range of multi-asset funds and model portfolio solutions, to help them deliver appropriate outcomes for investors.

Why Guernsey?

The jurisdiction in which an international investment platform conducts its business is an essential part of any due diligence. This video gives you the insight into why Guernsey was our international finance centre
of choice.

Situs tax and when it applies

The video provides a concise view into Situs tax, what it is, when it applies and how to avoid it.

What is probate?

Understanding probate and its effect on a South African estate. The video also cover how you can add overriding contractual arrangements to avoid probate.

Momentum Wealth and Momentum Wealth International’s capabilities

In a daunting investment world full of jargon and complexity, the capability wheels are comprehensive tools to navigate through the spheres of investment platforms, products and the different types of components, both locally and abroad.

Want to know more?

What products are offered by MWI?

MWI administers the International Endowment Option (IEO) and an International Investment Option (IIO). Please refer to the summary document published by MWI for more detail on the products.
Who can invest in the MWI products?

Natural persons, offshore companies and trusts can invest in these products. However, SA companies, Close Corporations (CCs) and trusts do not qualify for a foreign capital allowance and can therefore not invest in these products.
Which tax legislation will apply to the products?

In most instances, an investor’s tax residency will dictate the tax legislation as mostly, the tax legislation where the person resides applies, subject to double taxation agreements. Various countries have double taxation agreements in place to determine where income or capital gains are taxable if the income or gain could be subject to tax in both jurisdictions. SA has a residency- based tax system. This means that, if a person is a SA tax resident, all worldwide income is subject to tax in SA, provided the double taxation agreement does not dictate otherwise.
Do the restrictions applicable to local endowment policies also apply in respect of the foreign endowments?

When investing in an endowment policy governed by the Long Term Insurance Act, the normal rules pertaining to the restriction period and access to funds apply. However, the product is specifically structured with 100 underlying endowment policies to allow for multiple withdrawals.
If an investor/policyholder did not select the “joint and survivorship option” in respect of the IEO, but they indicated who the proceeds must go to in their Will, how will this be dealt with in practice?

If the joint and survivorship option is not selected, the investment will fall into the investor’s estate and dealt with in terms of the estate administration process. Depending on the value of the investment, it may be necessary to comply with Guernsey’s domestic system of probate on death. This is an administrative and legal process in terms of Guernsey law that must be followed before the assets of a deceased person may be distributed to heirs.
If an investor/policyholder did not select the “joint and survivorship option” in respect of the IEO, and there are additional contract owners and a beneficiary for proceeds was appointed, what happens if the original investor dies?

The additional contract owners are automatically additional lives insured. Upon the death of any one contract owner, the policy will continue and the ownership of the deceased party will form part of his/her estate, which can be subject to Guernsey probate.
What is Guernsey probate?

Guernsey probate requires Letters of Administration to be obtained in relation to the investor’s estate to enable the Guernsey estate to be properly wound up. To obtain Letters of Administration, the registrar of the Ecclesiastical Court in Guernsey will require the investor’s will to be proved (or authenticated) in Guernsey and submitted together with a death certificate and an inventory stating the values of the estate. This may entail the added cost of appointing a Guernsey advocate to attend to the application.
Is a separate will required for offshore assets?

In Guernsey, the principle of freedom of testation applies to the law of succession. This means that individuals are free to dispose of their estates as they please on death. SA residents may choose to deal with their Guernsey assets in their SA wills or they may execute separate wills for their assets situated locally and in Guernsey.

Contact us

Local investing: Momentum Wealth

Office hours are Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00.

Offshore investing: Momentum Wealth International

Office hours are Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 16:00 (Central Africa Time). Unavailable on weekends.

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