Two-pot retirement system on the Traditional platform
The introduction of the two-pot retirement system aims to improve retirement outcomes through compulsory preservation of retirement money while allowing access to part of that money before retirement in case of financial emergencies.
Access to part of your money is subject to the system's rules, implemented on 1 September 2024.
Retirement annuities eligible for withdrawals under the two-pot system

- Legacy retirement annuities are excluded from two-pot. A legacy retirement annuity is defined as any reversionary bonus policy or any universal life retirement annuity with life cover, where the life cover was greater than the fund value on 1 September 2024.
- All other retirement annuities are included in the two-pot retirement system.
- Pension preservation policies are automatically included.
- Provident preservation policies of members that were younger than 55 on 1 March 2021, are automatically included. Provident preservation members that were 55 or older on 1 March 2021, have the option to opt-in to have their policies included in the two-pot system. It is important to note that members can only opt-in on or before 31 August 2025.
If you are unsure whether your policy is included, our friendly service team is here to help! Contact us and we'll gladly assist you in checking the status of your retirement policy.