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A content little boy sitting on his mother’s lap gets his chest examined by a young male doctor using a stethoscope.

Save with Provider Choice

You can save with Provider Choice. When you choose to use Momentum Medical Scheme’s Associated providers, you can save up to R1 000 on your monthly contributions.

Our medical aid options give you the flexibility to choose your healthcare providers such as hospitals, doctors, and pharmacies. You can choose to make use of Any, Associated, or State providers.

  • Available on the Custom, Incentive and Extender Options.
  • Use the calculator below to see how much you can save.

How does it work?

If you're a member on the Custom, Incentive or Extender Option, you can pay lower monthly medical aid contributions when you use Momentum Medical Scheme's Associated providers. These include private hospitals, general practitioners, and pharmacies.

You can also choose State healthcare facilities to receive your chronic benefits, which will reduce your monthly medical aid contributions even further.

Select option

Calculate how much you can save as a single member.

Medical aid contribution savings

This is how much you can save on the Custom Option as a single member.

1. Select hospital provider

Your choice for planned procedures. In the event of a medical emergency, you can go to any hospital, regardless of your hospital choice.

2. Select chronic provider

Your choice of provider for chronic medication and treatment.


Monthly contribution

R3 685 R3 284 R2 737 R3 089 R2 770 R2 149
Monthly contribution
R3 078 R2 762 R2 303 R2 580 R2 330 R1 808 R1 808
Total savings
R0 R316 R775 R498 R748 R1 270
The actual amount you save depends on your medical aid option, the number of dependants on Momentum Medical Scheme, as well as your choice of providers.

Calculate how much you can save as a single member.

Medical aid contribution savings

This is how much you can save on the Custom Option as a single member.

1. Select hospital provider

Your choice for planned procedures. In the event of an emergency, you can go to any hospital, regardless of your hospital choice.

2. Select chronic provider

Chronic medication is the treatment for certain life-threatening conditions that need ongoing treatment.


Monthly contribution

R4 970 R4 279 R3 471 R4 397 R3 932 R2 794
Monthly contribution
R4 522 R3 920 R3 166 R4 001 R3 602 R2 549
Total savings
R0 R553 R1 277 R479 R844 R1 797
The actual amount you save depends on your medical aid option, the number of dependants on Momentum Medical Scheme, as well as your choice of providers.

Calculate how much you can save as a single member.

Medical aid contribution savings

This is how much you can save on the Custom Option as a single member.

1. Select hospital provider

Your choice for planned procedures. In the event of an emergency, you can go to any hospital, regardless of your hospital choice.

2. Select chronic provider

Chronic medication is the treatment for certain life-threatening conditions that need ongoing treatment.


Monthly contribution

R9 456 R8 365 R7 485 R8 315 R7 537 R6 589
Monthly contribution
R8 605 R7 664 R6 827 R7 567 R6 905 R6 009
Total savings
R0 R941 R1 778 R1 038 R1 700 R2 596
The actual amount you save depends on your medical aid option, the number of dependants on Momentum Medical Scheme, as well as your choice of providers.

Custom, Incentive, and Extender Option providers

On the Custom, Incentive, and Extender Options, members can choose between Any and Associated hospitals as their hospital provider and Any, Associated or State for their chronic benefits.

Associated GP Network Associated Hospitals Authorised Oncologists Pharmacy Network


Ingwe Option providers

On the Ingwe Option, members can choose between Any, Ingwe Network and State hospitals as their hospital provider, and Ingwe Primary Care or Ingwe Active Network Providers for their Chronic and Day-to-day Benefits.

The option provides dentistry and optometry benefits from a list of providers. A specific list of tariff codes is covered for dentistry, pathology, and radiology.
Ingwe Network Hospitals Ingwe Primary Care Network Ingwe Active Network Pharmacy Network Ingwe Active Optometry Network Ingwe Active Dental Network

Young man sitting on a bench outdoors, smiling while looking at his cell phone, reading up on Momentum’s Evolve medical aid option.

Evolve Option providers

On the Evolve Option, members need to use Evolve Network hospitals for hospitalisation and State facilities for chronic benefits.

Evolve Network Hospitals

An elderly woman and man, happily riding horses outdoors with mountains in the background.

Summit Option providers

Members on the Summit Option may use any provider.

Important to know

When choosing Associated hospital provider

What happens if I don't use one of the Associated hospitals?

If you choose Associated hospitals as your preferred provider for Major Medical benefits and do not use one of the Associated hospitals, a 30% co-payment will apply on the hospital account. Momentum Medical Scheme will be responsible for 70% of the negotiated tariff, provided authorisation would have been granted according to the rules of the Scheme.

When choosing Associated chronic provider

What happens if I don't use one of the Associated GPs?

If you choose Associated chronic provider, you'll have to obtain any chronic prescription from an Associated GP and chronic medication from Medipost, subject to an entry-level formulary. If you choose to obtain your chronic prescription from a non-Associated GP, the Scheme will pay 50% of the Momentum Medical Scheme Rate for the consultation.
What happens if I don't obtain chronic medication from Medipost?

Similarly, if you choose to obtain your chronic medication from a pharmacy other than Medipost, the Scheme will pay only 50% of the formulary price.

When changing provider choice selected

When can I make changes to my choice of healthcare providers?

Changes to the choice of healthcare providers can only be exercised when option changes are done at the end of every year, to be effective from 1 January. Regardless of the choice of provider, the benefits available will remain the same.

Want a quote?

You'll get a quote reflecting the medical aid contribution at the end of the process.

Need advice?

An accredited healthcare consultant will call you to discuss our medical aid options and benefits.

Contact Momentum Medical Scheme

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Business hours are Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00. Saturday and public holidays from 08:00 to 16:00. Closed on Sundays.

For local emergencies

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

For international emergencies

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Momentum Medical Scheme Ethics and Fraud line

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

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