Saving for retirement monthly, is an excellent way to grow your retirement money. But, adding an extra once-off amount can give your retirement savings a significant boost and help you reach your financial goals much faster!
We’ll show you how your retirement savings will benefit from the extra money you have, added as a lump sum on top of your regular savings contributions. You can do this once or many times a year. Many people prefer to do it before the end of the tax year in February, in time for a tax refund equal to the tax rate they usually pay. The top limit of how much you can invest kicks in at a very high level. The product rules determine the minimum.
How your retirement savings benefit from an extra once-off investment

How your retirement money multiplies
Not a lot of us get hold of R50 000 every day, but the principle stays the same. This is how well it will do for you over 10, 20 or 30 years. (We assume that the money will grow at 12% per year and round off the numbers.)

* Real value is a way to see how your saved money would look today, even if we look at it years from now.
What? My R50 000 can balloon to R1,5 million?
Thirty times the original value?
Here’s why
The secret ingredient at work is compound interest – when you not only earn interest on the money you invest, but also start earning interest on that interest. It has a multiplier-effect. In fact, our sums show that if you top up your retirement savings with an extra contribution from your 13th cheque every year, your retirement money will be more than 50% more in the end.
Using a bonus, 13th check, or unexpected windfall to boost your savings, helps your money grow exponentially over time, increases your chances of securing a comfortable retirement and reduces how much you need to save later.
When you top up your Investo RA from Momentum Savings with a single lump sum before tax-year end in February, you enjoy a host of tax benefits that will fuel your savings growth!
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