Global investments
Global investments are allocated across asset classes and countries around the world. They can be focused on a single asset class or allocated to multiple asset classes. Holdings may include positions in various equity, fixed income, currency, commodities and futures markets.
When selecting our global mandates, we collaborate with Momentum Global Investment Management (MGIM), which was established in the UK in 1998, as a specialist global investment manager.
Portfolio outcomes
Global diversification
Capital preservation
Capital growth
Investment horizon
3 to 7 years
Medium to extra high
Global investments and your portfolio
Our global investments are suitable if you are looking for an offshore investment solution that has a clear outcome. The underlying investments within each investment are spread across the world and allocated to multiple mandates and strategies. This leads to a high level of diversification, which means each portfolio can either be owned on its own or alongside other investments. The portfolios target specific outcomes and are designed to suit different risk and return profiles.
Global portfolio range
Enhanced Global
Extra high risk
5 to 7 years
Passive Global
Extra high risk
5 to 7 years
High risk
5 to 7 years
Target Global
Extra high risk
5 to 7 years
Global property
Extra high risk
5 to 7 years
Our investing philosophy and process
Our success is measured by the frequency with which we deliver on our targeted investment outcomes.
We follow an outcome-based investing philosophy. We design portfolios with the aim of maximising the likelihood of delivering on these outcomes. We invest around the world and in a wide range of asset classes and currencies to achieve each portfolio's investment outcome while reducing unnecessary risk.
Our core strength is a detailed, in-depth understanding of multiple asset classes. For each asset class, we undertake extensive modelling, using proprietary techniques to assess likely returns under different scenarios.
We believe in the value of optimally blending different asset classes, different investment strategies and different mandates to provide robust solutions
When managing our portfolios, we never lose sight of the outcomes that clients require. Our unique outcome-based investing approach is designed to speak to these requirements and we construct our portfolios with this at the forefront of our minds to give us the best likelihood of achieving the specified outcomes over reasonable time periods.
Rules and regulations
Our portfolios are compliant with Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act.

Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA)
We are licensed with the FSCA and comply to the market conduct regulations stipulated by the FSCA.
Association for Savings and Investment South Africa (ASISA)
Our governing body, ASISA, provides best practice guidelines to make sure the investor is the focal point of everything we do.
Resource centre
Momentum Investments is part of Momentum Metropolitan Life Limited, an authorised financial services (FSP6406) and registered credit provider (NCRCP173), rated B-BBEE Level 1.