Momentum Quality Equity Fund
The fund invests predominantly in high quality local shares. Quality companies are superior in terms of profitability, credibility and stability. Profitability measures how well a company converts owner’s capital into assets, sales and earnings. Earnings should be stable and should be credible, meaning there should not be a material difference between cash generated and reported earnings.
The fund objective is to maximise returns over the FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX index over time. The fund follows a rules-based investment process and decisions are based on objective data.
Fund objectives
Asset class
7+ years
Understanding the investor’s risk profile
The fund’s risk and return profile is not dissimilar to those of traditional equity portfolios. It gives clients the opportunity to achieve benchmark beating returns at an attractive cost. The fund is suitable for investors who believe in buying quality stocks, who have a long-term investment horizon and who can tolerate high risk.
Understanding the fund's risk profile
The Momentum Quality Equity Fund is firstly exposed to the inherent risk of the SA equity market as a whole and secondly to the risk that the quality investment style underperforms. Investors are also exposed to stock specific risks.
Seven or more years.
Fund managers
Loftie Botha
Portfolio Manager
B Eng Industrial, B Com (Hons) Investment Management, M Com Business
Managing the fund since 2011
Imtiaz Mohammed Alli
Portfolio manager
Managing the fund since 2011