Momentum Optimal Yield Fund
This unit trust is a local-only, market-neutral, equity fund suitable for investors with a low-risk profile who want returns that are linked to the interest rate with some opportunity for upside.
The Momentum Optimal Yield Fund predominately invests in carefully selected large-cap shares and the balance of the fund is invested in cash. The fund hedges against equity market risk by selling equity futures. The fund aims to outperform the Short-term Fixed Interest Call Deposits Index after fees over one-year rolling periods.
Fund objectives
Asset class
Fixed income
1-3 years
Understanding the investor’s risk profile
In an investment portfolio, the Momentum Optimal Yield Fund allows you to be in the equity market with returns that are linked to the interest rate.
Understanding the fund's risk profile
The fund is conservatively managed. While its net effective exposure to the equity market is low, individual share prices fluctuate daily and may detract from fund returns. Declining interest rates would reduce fund returns.
One to three years.
Fund manager
Loftie Botha
Portfolio Manager
B Eng Industrial, B Com (Hons) Investment Management, M Com Business
Managing the fund since 2011
Imtiaz Mohammed Alli
Portfolio manager
Managing the fund since 2011