Momentum Global Managed Fund
This unit trust is suited to investors with a moderate-risk profile with a medium- to long-term investment horizon. The fund is a
US-dollar-denominated, global, multi-asset-class fund, which aims to provide capital preservation in the medium term and capital appreciation over the long term. The fund aims to outperform global cash plus 4% per year over five-year rolling periods.
The Momentum Global Managed Fund is available on our Momentum Wealth International (MWI) platform and is managed by Momentum Global Investment Management (MGIM), our London office. MGIM was established in the UK in 1998, as a specialist global investment manager. For more information on MWI click here and for MGIM click here.
Fund objectives
Asset class
Global multi-asset
5+ years
Understanding the investor’s risk profile
The Momentum Global Managed Fund offers a balance between capital preservation and capital appreciation over the medium to long term by providing exposure to investments across a range of global assets classes, various currencies and market sectors.
Understanding the fund's risk profile
This fund invests in foreign securities, which carry countryspecific risks, such as potential constraints on liquidity and the repatriation of funds, macroeconomic risks, political risks, foreign exchange risks, tax risks, settlement risks, and potential limitations on the availability of market information.
Investments in a foreign currency expose you to foreign exchange risk. Fluctuations in the value of the Rand relative to offshore currencies may cause the value of underlying global investments to go up or down.
Five or more years.
Fund manager
Momentum Wealth International (MWI) is the Primary Manager of the Momentum Global Cautious Fund and outsources day to day management of the fund to Momentum Global Investment Management (MGIM).
Richard Stutley
Portfolio Manager
BSc Economics (Hons) & Politics, CFA Charterholder, IMC
Managing the fund since 2016