Momentum Equity Fund
This unit trust is suited to investors with a high-risk profile with a tolerance for capital volatility over the short to medium term. It is an equity fund with exposure to predominantly South African companies listed on the JSE. The fund invests in a diversified portfolio of local and global equity shares and aims to maximise returns over the FTSE/JSE Shareholder-weighted All-Share Index over the long term.
The Momentum Equity Fund follows a multi-strategy approach. This approach provides diversification benefits and the investment managers selected are mandated to implement independent, high conviction investment decisions.
Fund objectives
Asset class
7+ years
Understanding the investor’s risk profile
The Momentum Equity Fund is suitable for investors with a high-risk profile who are aiming for long-term returns and willing to be invested for seven years or more.
The fund invests mainly in equity securities, property shares and property-related securities listed locally and has offshore allocations of up to 30%, and 10% in Africa. The fund carries high levels of risk and volatility and is suitable only for long-term investors.
Understanding the fund's risk profile
Share prices change daily and various factors can influence whether these go up or down. Some of these influences are company stability and returns. At the same time, market forces can influence pricing, like political developments or economic instability. The fund also invests in foreign securities, so country risk and exchange rate fluctuations need to be taken into consideration.
The Momentum Equity Fund equity exposure will always exceed 80% net asset value so there is a risk of volatile returns in the short to medium term. This fund is only suitable for long-term investors.
Seven or more years.
Fund managers
Jako de Jager
Portfolio Manager
BCom (Hons) Investment Management
Managing the fund since 2017
Ronnie Bornman
Portfolio manager
BSc (Mathematical Statistics & Operations Research), CFA
Managing the fund since 2020