Momentum Bond Fund
This unit trust is suited to investors with a low-to-moderate-risk profile that wants a fund that derives return opportunities mainly from fixed-income bonds.
The Momentum Bond Fund falls within our fixed income investment capability set. It is a low-to-moderate-risk fund that aims to generate outperformance relative to the FTSE/JSE All Bond Index. The investable universe of the fund will include fixedinterest instruments including duration, yield curve, credit, repos, inflation-linked debt and alternative strategies.
Fund objectives
Asset class
Fixed income
Low to moderate
1-3 years
Understanding the investor’s risk profile
The Momentum Bond Fund is suitable for investors with a low-to-moderate-risk profile who are looking for the steady growth of capital and income relative to fixed income instruments. In an investment portfolio, the Momentum Bond Fund is a good diversification away from more risky investments like equities.
Understanding the fund's risk profile
Suitable for investors who do not want the risk associated with an equity investment. Interest rate risk can result in short-term capital volatility or if an issuer of one of the instruments held in the fund defaults.
One to three years.
Fund manager
Keagan Dodo
Portfolio Manager
BCom (Hons) Finance and Investment Management
MCom Financial Management Sciences