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Ina Lessing, entrepreneur and successful business woman standing in front of rows of packed jam jars, proudly holding a bottle of jam.

A true story of inspiration

Ina Lessing is an entrepreneur who believes in herself and her abilities which she knew would stand her in good stead to become a successful business woman.

#NoApologyForMySuccess Ina Lessing, entrepreneur and business woman, standing holding a crate filled with fresh fruit ready to be made into delicious jams.
#NoApologyForMySuccess Ina Lessing, entrepreneur and business woman, standing holding a crate filled with fresh fruit ready to be made into delicious jams.

Success is about focusing on what you want

Lessing's purposeful mindset prompted her to take her first steps to starting her own jam-making business to provide for her family. Ina’s business was born out of need. With 5 talented children who all wanted to study further, Ina knew that it would take more than just a dream to pay for her children’s education. Success was the only option.

Business woman Ina Lessing, does the usual things extraordinarily well and is seen inspecting rows of freshly made jam packed on shelves.
Business woman Ina Lessing, does the usual things extraordinarily well and is seen inspecting rows of freshly made jam packed on shelves.

Success means having courage

As a trained Home Economics teacher, she was motivated to turn her jam-making hobby into something more lucrative. Using her skills and inspired by the jam her mother used to make she set out to make sure that her jam not only looks, but tastes like that her mom used to make. She attributes her success to confidence, planning and not being afraid of sometimes taking risks.

Success is full of promise

Watch Ina’s story of inspiration and how she went from cooking 200 bottles of jam a day on two 2-burner gas stoves into a lucrative business that today produces 123 different jam variants and 5 000 bottles of jam cooked per day on sixty gas points by 27 full-time employees.

Since 1990 Ina Lessing has been preparing her delicious jams and preserves and is seen here working in her kitchen with one of her employees pouring freshly made jam, taken from a pot on the stove, into a glass jar.

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